Category: Activities
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Dili – Timor-Leste Press council (CI) and the National Authority of Communication (ANC) have agreed to soon establish a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) upon registration of the electronic media in the country.

“CI and ANC require to develop a long-term cooperation agreement to ensure television and radio that have had registered,” Said CI Executive Director, Rigoberto Monteiro during a meeting with ANC President.

Meanwhile, the President of ANC extended his appreciation, considering that this meeting of ANC and CI was to consolidate the information based on the competencies of both entities. 

"Through this coordination, we may be able to identify the gaps happening in our work, to deal with this matter for a better result"   explained the ANC President.

Through this meeting, soon, these two entities will organize a technical discussion in preparing the cooperation MoU, he says.

The said subject is essential subject discussing between Executive Director (CI), Rigoberto Martins, accompanied by Social Communication Director, Technical Professional of Institutional Relation and Cooperation (DCSRIC), Altino da Cruz Freitas,  Technical Professional Judiciary Support  (DRAJ)-CI, Francisco da S. B. Cunha, and President of National Communication Authority - ANC, João Olívio Freitas, Legal Adviser ANC, Adilson Semedo and executive secretariat  ANC, Maria Agata, at the ANC meeting room, Merkadu Lama, Dili, Monday (22/2/2021).

Abiding the social communication law, 19th of the November, article 25 regarding The foreign social communication body, in line one states that foreign Social Communication body wish to distribute or correspondent in Timor-Leste should subject to the registering body and the  Journalist accreditation of CI. 

The article 26, concerning the licensing frequency states the means Social communication of Radio and television will be functioning subject to the issuance of a license from ANC to ensure the spectrum of radio electric. 

The Article 28, concerning the registration, abiding the previous line states the body and means of social communication should register to CI. 

Meanwhile, in line two states, registration is part of the administrative procedure; this is not a regulatory action.